Picket fence image acquisition on Varian Trilogy

Is there a trick to use the Varian picket fence test plan (downloaded from myvarian.com), and acquire it on the EPID in DicomRT mode? If I open the test plan in DicomRT mode and add a “during” port film, the EPID stops measuring the image after about 1 or 2 pickets. I’m assuming it stops at a carriage shift and I need to acquire it as in integrated image, but has anyone else found another way?


If it were me and I needed to make sure it worked I would just import into ARIA, add the integrated image in Plan Scheduling, and then re-export the dicom RP. Did you do that and it didn’t work?

I was able to make a plan in ARIA and schedule the Integrated Image for each picket fence field. Acquiring as an Integrated Image worked! I didn't see any problems with the pylinac results.

I exported the plan back to the DicomRT folder and the plan works in DicomRT mode also.


Never used that trick for attached imaging before; good to know!

I used the method Landon described (and had to attach on the fly every time). I can’t recall the exact box but the last option on the right was important as well. Something like MV, During, Dosimetry.