Light to Rad functionality with SI FC-2?


I was wondering if there are any plans to add functionality for Light to Rad QA with SI FC-2?

Thank you.


you could add a feature request. See the following post:


Thomas is better at customer support than I am :grimacing: Thanks Thomas.

Although I have mixed feelings about light/rad phantoms we’d like to add them. The first thing we need is images though, so if you can, upload them here:
I have a few images, but the more images the better. Generally speaking, it’s not the number of test images that make the algorithm robust, but the number of clinics that provide images. Each clinic does things generally the same, but clinic to clinic variation can be significant (e.g. jaw sizes, EPID noise). All that to say: Donate images and stay tuned!


Thank you both. Will do!

This will be included in v3.1 FYI.

Yay! Thank you so much. I sent in some images a little while back I believe, let me know if you need more!