Hi all, trying to load an image from a python object ‘file-type’ (e.g. FILE = open(‘test.png’) https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#file-objects) as required in https://bitbucket.org/tohccmedphys/qatrackplus/wiki/v/0.2.9/admin/calculated.md
I believe this is possible but cannot find it in the documentation? Cheers!
This used to be possible but I had various troubles when dealing with URLs and ZIP files. No one was using it at the time and I had to write more tests so I ended up deprecating it. But the resurgence of use (esp. when combined with QAT) makes a case for bringing it back. I will add it to the 2.1 milestone.
Hang tight Robin, I’m working up an example in QATrack+ for you now