Errors on picketfence

Hi everybody
I encountered error while I was trying to analyze picketfence from multiple images as follows; could anyone kindly help me on this:
Thanks a lot

alueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [20], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 pf.analyze()

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylinac/, in PicketFence.analyze(self, tolerance, action_tolerance, num_pickets, sag_adjustment, orientation, invert, leaf_analysis_width_ratio, picket_spacing, height_threshold, edge_threshold, peak_sort, required_prominence, fwxm, separate_leaves, nominal_gap_mm)
590 self.mlc_meas.append(
591 MLCValue(
592 picket_num=picket_num,
608 )
609 )
610 if not self.mlc_meas:
→ 611 raise ValueError(
612 “No MLC measurements were found. This may be due to an incorrect inversion. Try setting invert=True. Or, you may have passed an incorrect orientation.”
613 )
615 # drop any leaf rows that don’t have the right amount of MLC kisses (i.e. near edge where one is dropped)
616 median_num_leaves = (
617 Enumerable(self.mlc_meas)
618 .group_by(key=lambda m: m.leaf_num)
619 .median(lambda m: len(m))
620 )

ValueError: No MLC measurements were found. This may be due to an incorrect inversion. Try setting invert=True. Or, you may have passed an incorrect orientation.

What happened when you set invert=True and/or set the orientation?