Trying out pylinac for our clinic, I realized I didn’t get the expected values for numbers of beam hold-offs with trajectory Logs. The num_beamholds functions in the DlogAxisData and TlogAxisData classes are exactly the same. This function looks for differences of 1, which is OK for Dynalogs, where beam hold-off state usually takes values of 0 or 1, but in Trajectory logs, values of 1 only happen when dose servo is turned off; values instead usually vary between 0 and 2. I changed the following line
num_holds = int(np.sum(diffmatrix == 1))
num_holds = int(np.sum(diffmatrix >= 0))
in the num_beamholds functions in both DlogAxisData and TlogAxisData classes to consider all tyes of beam hold-offs, and I seem to be getting expected results.
I was wondering if this was working as intended and I am trying to find hold-offs pylinac is not meant to find, or if this was small oversight in the analyzer.
I am very excited to try the other modules, they look very promising!
Thank you,