GUI frontend to Pylinac and PyDicom

It seems there is still a need for a stand alone GUI for Pylinac. I’ve released LinaQA ( a GUI frontend for Pylinac and Pydicom. It is intended to be a general purpose medical physics quality assurance tool for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In addition to a number of the Pylinac analyses it supports viewing and editing DICOM tags including nested tags.

Please report issues or feedback at

Regards, Alan


Hi how do i change the pylinac Logo in the analysis reports ? I need to customize the logo LinaQA GUI , Thank you

Hi Dhinesh

I’ll add customisable logo’s to the wishlist. In the meantime you can do the following as a workaround:

The pylinac logo resides in
C:\Users\Your user\Application Data\Python\Python311\site-packages\pylinac\files
If you did a Windows Miniconda local install
For a system wide install and
For a linux install

Copy your logo into this directory
Rename the Pylinac-GREEN.png logo to Pylinac-GREEN.old
Rename your logo to Pylinac-GREEN.png

Alternatively you can go into the code in LinaQA.pyw and change all instances of
publish_pdf(filename, logo=“path/to/your/logo”)

Please note that both these methods will be reverted back if you update either Pylinac or LinaQA.


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Implemented in 597f958

Open “Settings”, enter the path to your logo under “General”, “Logo”.

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Hi, thank you for the update. It would be beneficial to include field size analysis for multiple image results in either a consolidated PDF report or separate individual reports within the LInaQA GUI. Additionally, for Picket fence analysis of multiple images, incorporating the date of image acquisition from DICOM images into the analysis report would be highly appreciated.

Hi Dhinesh

There are currently no plans to cater for field analysis within LinaQA as this space within our organisation is served by BeamScheme. There are long term plans to converge the two projects, but what form this will be is yet to be determined.

The PDF reports are generated by Pylinac and I will raise your request to publish the image acquisition date on the Pylinac issue list.



Thank you for your input ,